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Backlinks are an important factor in search rankings, as they display trust and authority to pages on a website. However, there are a number of best practices that need to be adhered to, including ensuring links are relevant and not seen as spam. Below, we’ve compiled a list of key takeaways and SEO best practices for backlinks from Google’s regular SEO Office Hours sessions.

For more on optimizing your website’s links for search engines check out our additional resources:

5 Internal Linking Strategies to Boost SEO and Drive Organic Traffic.

An Introduction to Linking

Internal Linking Optimization

An SEO’s Guide to the Different Types of Links

Value of Backlinks Changes Over Time as Sites Grow in Size & Adds More Links

Backlinks don’t lose their value directly because of their age, but PageRank is distributed more broadly over time as the linking site publishes pages and increases the volume of links.

1 May 2019

Google Doesn’t Place Fixed Weight on Backlinks in its Algorithms

Google doesn’t place a fixed weight on backlinks in its algorithms, it varies from case to case. For example, a new article may rank well for a trending topic but have few links because it is so fresh.

18 Apr 2019

Rather Than Redirecting Temporary Pages, Encourage Users to Link to More Permanent Pages

If you have a page that will only be live for a short amount of time, instead of trying to consolidate link equity through redirects, John recommends encouraging users to link to more permanent pages on your site like category pages.

22 Feb 2019

Google Ignores Links From Press Releases

Links from press releases are generally ignored because Google knows that companies publish these themselves. John doesn’t recommend relying on links from press releases as part of a link building strategy.

29 Jun 2018

Links to Different Language Sites Provide Same Value as Same Language Links

Links to a different language site provide the same value as links to same language sites.

29 Jun 2018

Anchor Text Helps Google Understand Topic of Target Page

The anchor text in a link helps Google understand the broader topic of the target page.

29 Jun 2018

Google Largely Ignores Press Release Links and Content

Content and links in press releases are largely ignored by Google because this is something the webmaster of the target site has helped to publish. Press release links aren’t seen as spammy but aren’t give the same weight as more natural links.

12 Jan 2018

Links in Search Console Don’t Reflect What Algorithms or Penalties Are Using

If a bad link appears in Search Console, that doesn’t mean this is automatically being included in any algorithms or penalties.

28 Nov 2017

The Disavow File is Only Needed for Manual Action Penalties

The disavow file should mainly be used when there is a manual action to help with the reconsideration request. For sites that don’t have a manual action, Google will try to ignore any manipulative links automatically.

14 Nov 2017

Disavowing Links From Partial Manual Actions Isn’t Necessary

If a site has received a partial manual action for spammy links, these links will have already been taken out of consideration by the Webspam team. In this case, it is up to the webmaster if you want to disavow the spammy links or leave them there.

31 Oct 2017

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