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Managing Tasks in Lumar

Header image for the Task Manager product guide showing the create new task modal

What is Task Manager?

Task Manager helps you increase productivity by scheduling and assigning tasks based on real report data. Tasks can be created from any of the Lumar reports, and users can be notified of updates for either specific tasks or all tasks, as new crawls complete. 

Screenshot of the Lumar Analyze Task Manager showing four tasks, with their severity, a description of the task, the status or deadline, a trend graph and the number and percentage of unresolved issues.

Who is Task Manager For?

Task Manager is a great tool for both individual users and teams. Because you can set up tasks based on filtered reports, you can drill down into a specific issue that you want to keep an eye on, so you can track issues over time to keep on top of progress, or your most critical issues. And because Task Manager creates a trend line for your specific issue, you can visually see how an issue changes over time.

For teams, identified issues can be assigned to a specific user, with instructions of what needs to be done, priority levels, etc. This helps teams prioritize tasks and collaborate effectively on website technical health issues.


Video Walkthrough

Watch a quick walkthrough, or read on for everything you need to know to get the most out of Task Manager in Lumar Analyze.


Creating Tasks

From your project dashboard, navigate to the report that identifies the issue you want to track. For example, you might identify a particular stage of the traffic funnel that has a high proportion of traffic falling out. 

Screenshot of the Lumar Analyze Traffic Funnel, with Non-indexability highlighted, showing 6,000 URLs dropping out of the funnel. The report this links through to can be used to create tasks for tracking in Lumar.

If you’re using our health scores, you can drill down into a category and subcategory that needs addressing, or go straight to a specific report in the top errors of the overview.

Screenshot of Lumar Analyze Health Scores showing the overall health score and individual scores for availability, indexability, uniqueness, discoverability, rankability and experience. The screenshot has availability highlighted, showing a score of 64 out of 100. The screenshot also shows the top health score errors, with Broken Pages (4xx errors) highlighted at the top.

Once you’re at the report you want to create the task for, you can select a specific segment if required, and apply any filters that you need to narrow the list down to the specific set of URLs that you need to address in the task.

Screenshot of Lumar Analyze with the Segment selector highlighted. This functionality allows users to choose from one of the pre-defined segments, and access the segment management area.
Screenshot of Lumar Analyze reports with the filter option highlighted. The filter options shows different rules that can be completed. This screenshot shows rules for URL contains 'product' or URL contains 'blog'.

With the filters applied, click on the ‘Create Task’ button just above the report table.

Screenshot of Lumar Analyze report table with the 'Create Task' button highlighted.

When the task details window opens up, you can complete the following details:

  • Priority – Set from a simple note, or low, medium, high or critical priority.
  • Deadline – Here you can set a date by which the task needs to be completed. 
  • Title – The main title of your task. We suggest being a little descriptive here, so use something like ‘URLs that need redirections set up’ rather than just ‘Redirections’ so the viewer will be able to get an idea of what the task relates to in the task list.
  • Description – Here you can describe what needs to be done. We suggest putting as much detail in here as possible, so whoever is receiving the task knows what they need to do. 
  • Assignee email – Here you can assign one or more email addresses that will get notifications of the task being set up, and updates when new crawls complete.
Screenshot of Lumar Analyze create new task modal, showing fields for priority, deadline, a title and description, plus assignee email addresses for notification. In this example, the task is related to URLs returning 404 status codes on critical parts of a site, requiring redirections to relevant pages.

Viewing Tasks

Once tasks have been created, you’ll see that the ‘Create Task’ button changes to show that there is 1 task associated with the report. If you need to create another task, click on the down arrow next to the task count and click ‘Add Task’. 

You can also see the total number of tasks related to the overall project in the left-hand navigation. To view your tasks, click on Project Tasks and you’ll be taken to the product list.

Screenshot of Lumar Analyze with the Project Tasks option highlighted in the left hand navigation. Clicking this link will take the user to all tasks for the particular project.

You can also see all tasks across your account by clicking on the Account Tasks icon in the left hand navigation

For each task, you’ll see the following information by default:

  1. Severity. Either Note, Low, Medium, High or Critical. You can sort by this column by the highest or lowest severity.
  2. Task. Hover your mouse cursor over this area to see the full description. 
  3. Status/Deadline. The date set for completion of the task. You can also sort by this column to see tasks in date order. 
  4. Trend. As new crawls complete, you’ll see the trend line develop for up to the last 30 data points. If only one crawl has been completed 
  5. Unresolved. The count of URLs for the task found in the latest crawl.
  6. % unresolved. The count of URLs for the task as a percentage of the count when the task was first created. If there are more URLs for the task now than when the task was created, this will be above 100%.
Screenshot of a task in the project task list showing the severity, task title and description, status or deadline, trend graph and the number and percentage of unresolved issues. There is also an additional actions option at the very right hand side, allowing tasks to be marked as resolved, edited or deleted.

You can also use the Columns icon to see additional information:

  • Report. The report the task was created from. If enabled you can click on this to go to the report. 
  • Created. The date the task was created.
  • Identified. The count of URLs for the task when it was created. 
  • Assigned To. The users that have been assigned to the task, which can be very useful if you have a lot of assigned users. 
  • Link. The link to the report the task was created for.
Screenshot of a task in the project task list showing additional columns, including report, created, deadline and identified. It also shows an option to select or remove all columns, and revert to the default options.

Task Actions

From the task view, clicking on the Task will take you to the report the task was created from, so you can see affected URLs and fix the issues. Any filters you applied when the task was created will be in place, so you will see the exact same report. 

As you fix issues from the report and new crawls complete, the number and percentage of unresolved issues will reduce. 

At the end of the task view, you’ll see three dots in the ‘Actions’ column. Clicking here will allow you to:

  • Mark as resolved. Once all issues have been addressed, you can resolve the task which will remove it from the list.
  • Edit task, to amend any of the details, including the severity, deadline, etc. 
  • Remove, to delete the task.
Screenshot of a task in the project task list showing the additional actions option highlighted on the right hand side. The options available are mark as resolved, edit task or remove the task.

As mentioned, once you have resolved a task it will disappear from the list. However, there is a toggle on the table which will allow you to show resolved tasks, and mark as unresolved if required. If you have designed a task to track a specific issue, it may be worth leaving it open so you can quickly see any recurrences that may arise.

Screenshot of the project task list with the option to 'show resolved tasks' highlighted. The toggle is highlighted so resolved tasks can be seen.

Examples of How to Use Task Manager

To help you get started with Task Manager, we’ve included a few common ways our customers use it to track specific issues.

Track Soft 404s 

Use All Pages report to filter by a common element of the page title which appears on a 404 template and a 200 status code.

Report:All Pages
Filters:Page Title CONTAINS ‘Not Found’
HTTP Status Code EQUALS 200

Track broken links for specific sections 

Use the All Broken Links report fo filter by broken links to your subfolder.


Report:Internal Broken Links
Filters:Target URL CONTAINS <subfolder> e.g /blog/

Track Broken or Noindex Pages with High Impressions and Clicks

Use the reports to identify pages that go over a specific GSC threshold of your choice that may need investigation more urgently (e.g Redirects or robots meta changes). You can choose to split them out into separate tasks or make one task to track both. You could also choose to add more filtering if you want this task just to tack specific segments or subfolders.

Create as separate tasks

Task 1 

Report:Broken Pages with Traffic
Filters:Search Console Clicks GREATER THAN 50 
Search Console Imp. GREATER THAN 500

Task 2

Report:Non-indexable Pages with Traffic
Filters:Noindex EQUALs True
Search Console Clicks GREATER THAN 50
Search Console Imp. GREATER THAN 500

Create as one task

Report:Pages in Search Console
Filters:Noindex EQUALs True
Search Console Clicks GREATER THAN 50
Search Console Imp. GREATER THAN 500
HTTP Status Code EQUALs 404
Search Console Clicks GREATER THAN 50
Search Console Imp. GREATER THAN 500

Avatar image for Andrew Levey
Andrew Levey

Andrew heads up Product Marketing at Lumar, and is enthusiastic about helping prospects and clients understand the value of—and get the most out of—the Lumar platform. Outside of work, he likes great TV and film, is a bit of an amateur photographer and sings with the London Gay Men's Chorus.


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