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In order for web pages to be included within search results, they must be in Google’s index. Search engine indexing is a complex topic and is dependent on a number of different factors. Our SEO Office Hours Notes on indexing cover a range of best practices and compile indexability advice Google has released in their Office Hours sessions to help ensure your website’s important pages are indexed by search engines.

Only Index Original Language Content if You Use Auto-Translate

Auto-translated content is seen as auto-generated content by Google. If you want to do any auto-translating, let Googlebot index the original language content and give a ‘translate this page’ option to users with JavaScript.

26 Jun 2018

The Indexing API Will be Restricted to Job Listings For Now

There are no immediate plans to expand the Indexing API to content other than job listings. Google will need to see how this works and how people are using it before releasing it to other elements of search.

26 Jun 2018

URL Removal Tool Hides Pages in Search but URLs Still Crawled and Indexed

URLs entered in the URL Removal Tool in Search Console cause that page to be hidden in search. However, these pages will still be crawled, indexed and all associated signals will be kept.

15 Jun 2018

Ensure Google is Shown the Same Title When the Page is Fetched & Rendered

If Google is switching the titles between individual URLs, then something with the back-end of the website may be wrong. Google should be able to get the same title when it initially fetches the page as when it is rendered.

12 Jun 2018

Videos Blocking Googlebot May Still be Crawled and Indexed

Blocking Googlebot from crawling a video may still result in a video snippet appearing in search if the video file is embedded from a different location, if some Google datacentres haven’t yet seen the updated version or if the video URL has parameters attached.

12 Jun 2018

Noindex & 410 Pages Are Removed Faster Than 404

Noindex and 410 remove pages from Google’s index at about the same speed, and both are slightly quicker than using a 404.

1 Jun 2018

Keyword Stuffing on Homepage Can Cause Lower Level Pages to Rank Instead

There are instances where Google may rank a lower level page in place of the homepage. This might happen if Google detects a lot of keyword stuffing on the homepage and doesn’t know if the page is relevant, in which case another lower level page may rank instead.

1 Jun 2018

Google Will Index Pages Blocked in Robots.txt if They’re Linked To

If you block a page in robots.txt but someone links to it, then the page could still be indexed without any content as Google will have been blocked from seeing it. Use the noindex tag for these pages instead.

29 May 2018

Use Banners to Suggest Different Language Sites so Google Can Index Them

Banners for recommending different language page versions are great for users who may be categorised incorrectly with geotargeting, but also for Googlebot. These banners allow Google to index content from your different country pages.

29 May 2018

410 May Remove Page From Index Faster Than 404

In the mid and long term, a 404 error is the same as a 410 because they will both be dropped from the index and crawling is less frequent. However, a 410 may cause a page to fall out of the index a little bit faster than a 404 by a couple of days or so.

18 May 2018

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