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Recent Product Improvements – November 2022

Take a look at some of the improvements we've made over the last couple of months: Editable Segments, Segmentation for Health Scores and Traffic Funnel, Crawl Dates Change, Report Search Speed Improvements and Automatic Thresholds for Monitor Alerts.

Header image for the recent product improvements product guide for November 2022, showing a screenshot of Lumar Analyze.

It’s been a busy few months here at Lumar with the development and launch of our new Impact app, traffic funnel, health scores and benchmarks. But, our incredible product and engineering teams still found time to add a few other improvements to the Lumar platform.


Analyze: Editable Segments

Segmentation in Lumar allows you to focus your attention on specific parts of your site. Creating segments in Lumar is a straightforward process (see here if you need some help) but if you wanted to make any changes, you’d previously have to delete the segment and create a new one. 

Well, we’re pleased to say that’s now changed! When you click into the Segment selector in a project, you’ll see a ‘Manage segments’ option.

Screenshot of the Lumar Analyze overview dashboard, showing the Segment selector with the option to manage segments highlighted.

Clicking this will take you to the Segment Manager where you make changes to a segment by clicking on the actions menu (the three dots to the right of the segment) and choosing ‘Edit segment’.

Screenshot of the My Segments page in Lumar Analyze, howing the options to edit segment, copy segment and remove highlighted. These can be accessed via the options ellipsis at the right hand side of the relevant segment.

Analyze: Segmentation for Health Scores and Traffic Funnel

Just last month we launched our new Health Scores and Traffic Funnel, highlighting where to focus your attention and giving an easy-to-understand view of website technical health to help communicate with stakeholders (you can even give them a log-in to our new Impact app so they can see updates and progress themselves!). 

Initially, the health scores and traffic funnel gave you a view of your overall site, but we’ve also now enabled segmentation for these views, so you can see both the Traffic Funnel and Health Scores for specific areas of your site. 

In the project overview screen, simply select the relevant segment from the drop down and the Traffic Funnel and Health Scores will update to reflect data for the chosen segment. You can also choose a segment once you have clicked through into any of the Health Score categories or subcategories. 

You’ll know that a segment has been selected as the segment name will appear next to the Health Score and Traffic Funnel labels.

Screenshot of the Analyze overview dashboard showing the segment selector highlighted, and the overall health score which will change as different segments are selected.

Platform: Crawl Dates Now Reflect Crawl Start Date

Previously, the date of the crawl shown when selecting a crawl or in trend graphs was set to the completion date. This was causing some confusion as, for much larger crawls at slower speeds, the date the crawl would complete was unpredictable. So, to make things clearer, we’ve updated these to reflect the start date of the crawl rather than the end. 


Analyze: Report Search Speed Improvements

We’ve had amazing feedback from our customers on our new report categorization, traffic funnel and health scores, but you might have noticed that our report search function was struggling a bit to keep up. We therefore put it on a fitness regime so it’s now running much faster. And don’t worry, we’re keeping an eye on it to make sure it stays in tip-top condition. 


Monitor: Automatic Initial Thresholds for Alerts

We’ve also had great feedback about our Smart Alerts in Monitor, which removes admin by automatically updating thresholds based on recent crawl data. We’ve now extended the automation to also set the initial threshold, which makes setting up alerts much easier and removes any ‘finger-in-the-air’ decisions that might have previously been made. 

Now, when you create a new alert, Monitor will check previous crawl data to suggest an initial threshold. You can override this if you wish, but just note that this will disable Smart Alerts and prevent thresholds automatically updating in the future.

Screenshot of Lumar Monitor alerts showing the URL threshold field highlighted.

Coming Soon…

And that’s not all! We’ve got a number of other improvements that are going to be with you in the next few weeks…

Monitor Health Scores

We’re building dashboards in Monitor that will take advantage of the new Health Scores. Soon, you’ll be able to see the Overall Health Score for your site, and individual categories in one central place, so you can quickly see where you need to focus your attention. 

Monitor Segmentation

To allow more granular monitoring of important site sections, we’re also building Segmentation into Monitor. This will allow you to focus on monitoring the most important part of your site and domains, and improve the efficiency of your workflows. 

Users Screen Search

To make administering Lumar easier, we’re also adding a search function to the Team view in the admin app.

Avatar image for Andrew Levey
Andrew Levey

Andrew heads up Product Marketing at Lumar, and is enthusiastic about helping prospects and clients understand the value of—and get the most out of—the Lumar platform. Outside of work, he likes great TV and film, is a bit of an amateur photographer and sings with the London Gay Men's Chorus.


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