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Crawl Errors

A crawl error occurs when a search engine crawler is unable to reach a page on a website — this will prevent the page from appearing within search results. These errors could be due to site-wide or individual URL errors and may arise for several reasons. Our SEO Office Hours Notes below cover how Google Search deals with crawl errors, along with best practice guidance from Google for dealing with crawl errors.

Server Security Plugins Can Cause Unauthorised Errors

If Google Search Console is reporting a large number of unauthorised errors, it might be caused by a server configuration which is blocking Googlebot.

24 Feb 2017

Crawl Errors Priority Metric includes Mixture of Signals

The priority metric for crawl errors in search console is a mixture of pages being returned in search results, included in Sitemaps, and if it has internal links. The higher the priority are the ones Google thinks might have content which Google wants to index.

9 Sep 2016

s Are Recrawled Periodically

Google will remember your 404 URLs for a long time, and periodically recrawl them to see if they are still 404. These will be reported in search console, but are perfectly fine.

8 Jul 2016

Redirect Chains Slow Crawling

Redirect chains cause latency which can slow down crawling, particularly if there are more than 5 steps which will be rescheduled to be crawled later.

20 May 2016

Only Disallowed Scripts Which Affect Content Are an Issue

Disallowed scripts which are flagged as errors are only an issue if they affect the displaying of content you want indexed, otherwise it’s OK to leave them disallowed.

17 May 2016

Google Queues Large Volumes of New URLs

If Google discovers a part of your site with a large number of new URLs, it may queue the URLs, generate a Search Console error, but continue to crawl the queued URLs over an extended period.

8 Mar 2016

Crawl Errors are not a Quality Metric

Google considers crawl errors to be technical response, and aren’t considered a quality metric which would impact rankings.

6 Feb 2016

URL Issues Create Duplicate Pages

Duplicate URLs from inconsistent ordering, case inconstistency, and session IDs can be fixed with canonical tags if the issue is minor, but it still creates crawling issues if there are many instances.

5 Dec 2014

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